Lluniau o Dzibilchaltun

Dzibilchaltun_Yucatan التي كتبها S. Peterson

About a half hour outside of Merida is this ruin site. I almost didn't make the effort to go there but I'm glad that I did. Quite a range of different structures, few tourists and complementary weather. For processing, I did some basic work in Lightroom and finished off with dynamic contrast, green enhancer, sunshine and a vignette via Perfect Effects 9.
Mae Dzibilchaltun (Español: Dzibilchaltún) yn atyniad i dwristiaid, un o'r Mesoamerican sites yn Chablekal , México . Mae wedi ei leoli: 40 كم o Mérida, 54 كم o Kanazin, 860 كم o Cancún. إقرأ المزيد
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